Friday 16 April 2010

Script Development

General Script and shots needed for Losing My Way video:

  • Start of video - close up of bottles on table and artist in background on the floor both out of focus.
  • Bottles and artist come into focus as artist picks up drink.
  • Performance shots run throughout the video until beginning to reach the climax where artist walks away from microphone. Eventually microphone fades to black. Lights go blue and artist appear to pray when reference to heaven in chorus. Lights go red and artist appear to be stressed when reference to hell.
  • Shots of artist drinking throughout the music video.
  • Close-ups of bottles, picture frame, the ring, and the gun.
  • Towards end of video Extreme close up of gun and picture frame.
  • POV (Point of view) shot of artist lying on floor – look at picture.
  • High angle blurred shot looking at artist.
  • Shot scrolling the artist’s body.
  • POV look to gun.
  • Argument with friends leading to physical contact and eventually artist pushing friends out and shutting the door on them. POV shot of one of the friends.
  • End of video - Camera following artist’s hand to picking up the gun and putting it in mouth and cutting to black.
This was our general guidelines for our music video, there was some improvisation while we were shooting but these were the key shots we made sure to include in the video.

The settings needed were A studio with a lot of black for a simple performance background and a household situation for the narrative.

The props needed were alcoholic bottles with liquid inside, a ring, a picture with a boy and girl inside, a replica gun, Smart clothes and a tie and waistcoat for performance and smart clothes which have been roughed up minus with no waistcoat and a different tie for the narrative.


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