Saturday 17 April 2010

Audience feedback. Interviews

Interview 1 - Glenn Dyer, 19 years old.

1) What did you understand from the video?
That the guy was upset about losing someone (the photo frame) and that he thought drinkn could help solve his problem

2) Did you feel the concept of alchoholism was portrayed well?
Yeah, I did. The amount of alcohol and bottles around him was indicative of alcoholism. Especially since he was drinking direct from the bottle

3) Did you understand the link between the mis-en-scene/props and the lyrics?
Yeah I did understand the link between it all. He was losing his way through alcohol and he was drinking it because of a loss to him.

4. Was there any shots that stood out and grabbed your attention?
The last one with the gun in his mouth.

5. What could have improved the video?
having a tripod to mount the camera on in more shots, since bits of the footage were wobbly (close-ups of the photo frame)and perhaps the lighting when he was at the mic could have been brighter.


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