Friday 16 April 2010


Kieran Lewis – Interviews - Interview 1, Male aged 17

1. What do you expect from an average music video?

to see the artist sing to the song or see something entertaining going on in the video.

2. What do you like about music?

the director vision of how the song show be portrayed to the public

3. What’s your favourite music video?

G Unit- my buddy

4. Why is this?

when i heard the song i was expecting to see a video with loads of actions and in this situation that was exactly what happened.

5. Name one thing a music video you feel every music video needs.

A confusing dilemma. When I first watch a music video i love it when it don’t know what is going go but I always try to figure out the plot before the end.

6. When you see promtion for an artist what do you expect from it?(e.g a poster)

the artist face on the poster

Interview 2, Female aged 15

1. What do you expect from an average music video?

a storyline that is interest

2. What attracts you the most to a music video?

boys that can dance

3. What’s your favourite music video?

in have a favourite video b. At the moment i love JSL one shot

4. Why is this?

They can sing and dance what else do you want?

5. Name one thing of a music video you feel every music video needs and why.

a strong storyline. Otherwise it gets really boring.

6. When you see promtion for an artist what do you expect from it?(e.g a poster)

A picture that can relate to their music


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