Monday 23 November 2009

Conventions of a pop video.

In generic pop videos, many conventions are used to create the stereotypical video. For example editing is very significant in the making of a pop video as it has to reflect the pace of the music, usually fast-paced, special effects are also applied at this stage in the pop video (e.g lighting effects, colour effects). Bright lighting and lighting effects are used significantly in pop videos. Lots of cutting is used throughout the video, mainly straight cuts, to emphasise the fast pace of the video. Usually bright colours are used in the video, and they are very effective against a white or black background to emphasise the colours. Many different camera angles are used in pop videos, just like in any video, one of the most important camera shot in a pop video is close ups, it is used the most throughout the video following the artist closely, which can also be shown through panning. Low and high angle shots are used also. It is very important to make sure that in a pop band there is equal division of shots between the band members and whole band shots to emphasise who is in the band, if it is a solo artist in the video then the main focus would be on them. The mise-en scene has to reflect the atmosphere so that it relates to the video making it successful. Shadows and animation are also sometimes used in generic pop videos.

In our video we will make sure that we use many conventions so that we stick to the genre of our song. We will use a white background to emphasise the colours of the artist and the outfits that she wears so that she stands out, as she is the main focus in the video. This also adds to the lighting as it makes the video brighter. We will use lots of lights to keep the shots looking professional. We will also mix different camera angles and shots throughout the video to keep viewers interested, to do this we have to use a lot of straight cuts keeping to the fast pace of the video. This is done through editing. As we have decided to use a solo artist she is shown constantly throughout the video in many different angles. We will create the mise-en scene so that it reflects the lyrics of the song and the image of the artist.


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